“Timeless Elegance” by multiprize winner Jou-Yu Shieh arrives at KNS Classical

KNS Classical is honored to present Timeless Elegance, the CD by renowned Taiwanese pianist Jou-Yu Shieh. This exceptional recording features a carefully curated program of works by Mozart, Debussy, and Grieg, showcasing her profound artistry.

Jou-Yu Shieh’s remarkable career spans multiple prestigious accolades, including first prizes at renowned international competitions such as Music & Stars Awards, Carles and Sofia International Piano Competition, and Medici International Music Competition among others, as well as performances with esteemed orchestras across Europe and Asia. Her studies under distinguished mentors, including Professors Wolfgang Manz, Jacques Rouvier, and Claudius Tanski, have shaped her into a pianist of extraordinary sensitivity and technical command.

Timeless Elegance, capturing her artistry and talent, is now available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and YouTube.

CD Page: Timeless Elegance
Artist Profile: Jou-Yu Shieh

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